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6月15日下午,来自英国邓迪大学的Volker Roeben教授和Xiaoyi Mu博士受邀为BET体育365投注官网师生作题为“国际气候协定与能源转型”的线上讲座活动,BET体育365投注官网法学系师生三十余人在云端聆听了讲座,并结合当下国际热点问题同主讲人展开了深入的探讨,讲座由法学系主任孙增芹副教授主持。
首先,孙增芹老师向同学们介绍了Volker Roeben教授和Xiaoyi Mu博士的教育背景和主要研究成果。随后由Volker 教授及Mu博士就国际环境法与能源法的前沿问题进行讲座。
Xiaoyi Mu博士围绕全球能源现状以及能源转型等相关问题展开讲解。Xiaoyi Mu博士主要从二氧化碳排放量、全球能源前景展望、低碳转型所面临的挑战以及对化石燃料的影响等方面进行讲解,同时指出能源转型与技术、经济发展以及各国应对气候变化政策的关系。他强调,碳交易对于实现《巴黎气候协定》所设定的目标将变得更加重要。
在互动提问环节,参加讲座的BET体育365投注官网师生对讲座相关问题进行提问。针对杨欣老师提出的“美国退出《巴黎气候协定》的影响”问题,Volker Roeben教授结合国际形势,给予详细解答。孙增芹副教授为这次讲座做了总结性发言,并再次对Volker Roeben教授和Xiaoyi Mu博士表示感谢。
Prof. Volker Roeben is Professor of Energy Law and Global Regulation at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee.Volker was senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative law and Public International Law, and a professor of international law at Swansea University. Volker is the author or editor of seven books and forty articles. In 2018, he published Towards the European Energy Union – European strategy in international law with Cambridge University Press. He is co-editor of the Hart publication series ‘Global Energy Law and Policy’.
Dr. Xiaoyi (Shawn) Mu has experience in both oil & gas and electricity industries.He obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Oklahoma in 2006.Before joining CEPMLP in 2008, he was a senior consultant at Global Energy Decisions (now part of ABB), a leading software and consulting firm focusing on electricity markets, from 2006 to 2008. His research interest has focused on commodity pricing and volatility, petroleum economics, electricity economics, economic regulation and energy policy issues in developing countries. His papers have appeared at leading academic journals such as Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Commodity Markets, Economic Inquiry, Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, and Operations Research.